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Reasons to have Thyroid Surgery

Your Thyroid keeps your metabolism at the right level and has a major effect on the quality of your health. Your Thyroid is located in your neck, is often described as being butterfly wing shaped and usually weighs less than around one ounce.

There are a number of different symptoms that may suggest that you need medical attention.

One of the most common symptoms is finding a lump or nodule in the area of your neck where the Thyroid is located. For most people, this lump is inconspicuous and may only be noticeable when wearing a particular piece of clothing, or a necklace that makes it standout.

You can feel around the Thyroid area of your neck for any signs of swelling; however, it is possible for people with Thyroid problems to not notice any physical symptoms.

There are two Thyroid conditions which can bring about different problems. Your thyroid may be overworking (Hyperthyroidism) or the other your Thyroid may not be producing enough hormone (Hypothyroidism). Both impact your health in their own ways and have a varied set of symptoms depending on which one you have.


If you suffer from Hyperthyroidism often causes the patient to lose a significant amount of weight, have a bigger appetite, have an increased heart rate, have irregular heartbeat patterns or in some cases, a noticeable increased pounding of the heart known as palpitations.

Read more about What is Hyperthyroidism?

Thyroid Neck ExamIf your Thyroid hormone is high you may have a goiter (swelling of the Thyroid Gland). You might also experience increased perspiration, feel anxiety or irritation for unknown reasons, have sudden hand tremors, unexplained sensitivity to heat, become fatigued, experience muscle weakness on occasion, insomnia or many other things that come from an increase in metabolism and hormones.

While these symptoms can be due to issues with your Thyroid, sometimes they can be a sign consistent with aging, chronic sleep deprivation or some other non-Thyroid problem. However, to be on the safe side it is always recommended that when you experience any of these symptoms that you go review them with your doctor. After examination and testing you and your doctor can look into your treatment options including Thyroid surgery.


Thyroid Neck ExamHypothyroidism refers to a Thyroid deprivation. It often results in experiencing serious depression, amnesia, avoidance of activity, tiredness (fatigue), a development of unusually brittle hair and nails, and constipation. Some patients report also having increasingly paler skin, which is often accompanied by a swelling in their face, a croaky voice, significant weight gain, swollen joints and even high cholesterol.

Hypothyroidism is often difficult to identify as many patients do not have all of the symptoms all at once.

Thyroid Nodules:

Thyroid Neck ExamThyroid nodules are defined as abnormal growths within the thyroid gland. These commonly occur as lumps within a normal thyroid gland which can often be seen on imaging such as ultrasound or CT scan. Sometimes, patients may notice a lump in their neck while looking in the mirror or putting on a collared shirt or necklace – but most thyroid nodules are not noticeable to the patient. Sometimes, if the nodule is large enough, patients can feel a lump in the throat or have difficulty with swallowing, but this is relatively rare.

Read more about Thyroid Nodules


Thyroid Neck ExamIt is an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland which is located in the lower front of the neck, next to the wind pipe or trachea. The thyroid gland makes thyroid hormone which helps control our body’s metabolism or energy use. A person with a goiter can have normal amounts of thyroid hormone, too much, or too little. Goiters are common in many parts of the world and are usually do not cause any harm.

Read more about “What is a Goiter?”